Love is een bekend kunstwerk van de Oekraïnse kunstenaar Alexander Milov dat hij presenteerde op het Burning Man festival van 2015 in Nevada, USA. Twee mokkende en gekwetste ego’s die zich vanuit onmacht van elkaar afkeren en het innerlijk kind dat maar één ding wil: uitreiken en terugkeren naar verbinding en heelheid.
Eerlijk gezegd kende ik het nog niet maar zag het afgelopen week via Edward Kalisvaart en Danielle Braun voorbij komen in mijn tijdlijn op LinkedIn. Te mooi om niet te delen!

“The composition consists of two large metal cages in the form of figures of a man and a woman. The couple froze sitting, turning their backs to each other – their pose symbolizes a conflict. The female figure, tightly hugging her knees with her hands, curled into a fetal position. This pose symbolizes defenselessness and feelings. The male figure, unlike the female, is open and relaxed. A hand supporting the head creates an emphasis on the character’s thoughts and symbolizes strength and consciousness. Despite the conflict, both figures are pressed with their backs to each other, which allows them to maintain balance. Inside both cages there are two children glowing with inner light. These children, having turned their faces to each other, stretch their hands through the bars. As night falls, the children begin to glow. Their light symbolizes purity and sincerity, which binds people together and gives a chance of reconciliation at the moment when the dark time comes.”
– Alexander Milov
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Via Lizette Hofsteenge lees ik dat Milov een tweede werk heeft gemaakt genaamd 2Love:
“The adults in the form of the cages reflect the human ego, life experience, social frames and the culture of humanity on the whole. The gate in their chests in the form of the hearts symbolises love – the only way to our souls. The lit up children , opening the gate are embodiment of sincerity, curiosity, immediacy and will- as the strength of the will and will to live . All the figures are interconnected, pointing to the importance of mutual support and understanding between the generations , that are instilled not only by bringing up the kids, but also by the ability to learn from them.”